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So you’ve done all your research to find the right moving company for your needs and budget, and you’ve decided on Big League Movers. Good move. However, what you do now before the truck arrives is just as important. That’s why we’ve provided you with moving tips and some of our favorite moving and packing resources to help make your experience as painless as possible.


  • Use the move as an opportunity to clear out old belongings. Have a yard sale or a carport sale with anything you don’t need or want. Or give your local charity shop a boost. Either way, you can purge some items and even make some money!
  • Think about the space in your new home before you move, and start to imagine the best way to arrange your furniture in it. You can even make sketches or use online home-styling tools. This will make moving in much easier and help you feel more at home.
  • Buy LOTS of packing tape. It’s great for strengthening boxes, will prevent accidental opening in transit, and can be easily opened when you want to with a knife. Go the whole hog and buy a tape gun. It makes taping much easier, and it’s fun, too!
  • Plan where your movers can park to load and unload. The further they have to walk, the longer it will take. Clear your driveway of any vehicles, basketball goals, or clutter. Having the shortest route possible to the truck will cut down on your move cost.
  • Teach your kids your new address and phone number as soon as you have it.
  • Don’t use any special cleaning/maintenance products such as wax or oils on antique furniture for a couple of weeks before your move. They can make the wood softer for a few weeks and leave it more likely to get damaged.
  • Unplug your TV a day before your move so that it will settle down to room temperature. If you unplug it just before you move it may retain heat when wrapped or packed; this can actually cause internal damage.
  • Write down instructions for any systems in your home such as central heating, air conditioning, etc., and make sure the people moving in know any alarm codes. If you have brochures, guarantees, or any paperwork relating to systems or appliances you’re leaving behind, make sure to leave them somewhere obvious. This will make their move much easier, and keep them from bothering you during yours! Also, call the previous owner of your new home and ask them to do the same.


  • Packing starts out being fun but can soon get boring and tedious. Make yourself feel better about it by setting deadlines (i.e. a week to pack up the garage, etc.) and keeping to them. No time to pack? No worries. Our team at Big League Movers can handle the packing for you. Just give us a call to provide a packing estimate.
  • Under packing is almost as bad as over packing and the contents of under packed boxes are MUCH more likely to be damaged. Make sure you fill boxes with a mix of heavy and light.
  • Don’t leave all your packing to the last day. You’ll be up all night and still not get it done right. But don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get everything done. If you’re pushed for time, it doesn’t matter if you just box up non-fragile items quickly or even just stuff them in bags. If this happens to you, do make sure you ask your movers to take extra care or just transport these last-minute packed things yourself. Pack your fragile items first. This way, your best boxes and packing materials go towards your most valuable items, and it ensures your fragile items will be packed in advance.
  • Don’t use foam ‘peanuts’ to pack a computer – they can generate static electricity and cause damage.
  • Try not to wrap fragile items in newspaper, as the print will come off on them. You’ll just have to wash everything before you can put it away. And, newsprint doesn’t generally come off well in a dishwasher so chances are you’ll be washing them by hand. If you don’t want to buy wrapping materials, save up magazines for a few weeks beforehand.
  • Don’t use newspaper to wrap lampshades – chances are you will not be able to get the newsprint off again!
  • Get one of your movers to do a last walk-around of your old house with you before you leave. A fresh pair of eyes can often spot things you’ve left behind.
  • If you’re in the habit of hanging clothes or stuff behind bedroom doors, remember to check them as well. This is one of the most common places people forget things.
  • Write OPEN FIRST on boxes of essential items and DO NOT MOVE on boxes you’re not planning on taking with you!


  • It’s easier to clean your new home before you move in. If you can’t do it yourself, consider hiring professionals to whiz around for a couple of hours before the moving truck arrives.
  • You don’t need to take drawers out of chests of drawers for the move – even if they can’t be locked. You can use masking tape to hold in drawers that do not lock. Masking tape is specifically made not to leave residue, unlike duct, electrical, or box tape.
  • Before your movers arrive, try to make sure that all boxes, containers, etc. are stacked neatly in the room (ideally around the walls) and leave the movers room to maneuver. This will speed up the process.
  • Make sure someone is at your new home to meet the movers and to tell them where to unload stuff.
  • If you’re moving with kids, let them loose on their new bedrooms with a couple of boxes of stuff they can unpack to keep them occupied. You may also want to give them fun jobs to do. Anything to keep the kids out of the movers’ way will allow the movers to work at full speed and keep your kids safe from accidents.
  • Give your movers your cell phone number. This way, they can get the answers to any questions they may have and get back to work as quickly as possible.
  • Big League Movers has a two-hour minimum and charges in half-hour increments. Ask your Crew Leader what time they marked as their start time and make the best use of your time with the 30-minute increments in mind.


  • Tipping. It’s a nice touch to tip your movers all individually if they’ve been really helpful. Otherwise tip the Crew Leader and he will sort them all out. Just like any service, a tip is not expected but definitely appreciated. We are often asked what the standard tipping rate is; $5 to $10 per hour/ per mover is a good ballpark figure.
  • Give electrical items a chance to get to room temperature before you plug them in.
  • Expect to feel a bit ‘blue’ for a couple of days after the move. It happens all the time and doesn’t mean you hate your new home – just that the move and the thought of unpacking has taken its toll on you a bit. Although “move day” is over, the whole moving process is not. It generally takes a few months for everything to be in order. Keep this in mind, and don’t stress out.
  • Call your friends and family to let them know you’ve moved safely.
  • Keep your kids occupied and give them lots of attention. They’ll probably feel unsettled by the move too. Make time to have some fun!
  • If you feel up to it, throw a housewarming party!

Big League Movers is here to help! If you have any questions after you get settled in your new place, or just need a recommendation on a good restaurant or nice park in the area, give us a call at 888-677-6553.