Usually, a sales representative will be able to give you a good idea of a price range over the phone after getting some information about the items being moved, the size of the current location, etc. However, a Big League Movers professional can come out to your current location to give you an in-house quote, free of charge.
Big League Movers charges a one-time service fee and then an hourly rate. We have ZERO hidden fees. After the service fee and any other special circumstance fees (that you would be informed of while booking your move), your move cost is determined by the number of hours it takes to move.
There is a multitude of factors that can affect the length of your move. Some examples are the distance between your two locations, how close the truck can be parked at each location, number of stairs, etc. There are also a number of customer-related factors to consider. You can help shorten your move time and lower your cost by disassembling furniture prior to the movers arriving, clearly labeling boxes with their contents and location within your new home, and having a map of where you want furniture in your new location. Check out our Moving Tips for more helpful information.
Keep in mind that moving is not an exact science and that each move is different. But, a good way to keep costs down is to be as prepared as possible for when the movers arrive to cut down on using any unnecessary time. Moving boxes is one of the most time consuming areas of a move, yet they are some of the lightest things to move. So, try to use the same size boxes and be sure they are taped up and labeled correctly for the movers. Stack them up so that the movers can just place them on the dolly and go. Also, while the movers will be happy to do so, disassembly of furniture takes up time as well. You can try to disassemble any beds, desks, etc to cut down on time. In short, anything that you can do yourself or anything that can help the movers move faster will cut down on your cost.
NO! Big League Movers has ZERO hidden fees! While we do have some fees for keeping trucks overnight, moving pianos, and off-hours fees, you will be made aware of any of these fees prior to your move.
After the movers have placed all of your belongings in your home to your liking, they will tally up the amount of time it took and any other costs that were included in your move. Once that is done, the movers will call the home office to close the move. Your movers will then hand you the phone to speak with the Big League Movers representative who will go through all of the charges and the total bill amount. Any questions or concerns that you have should be brought up then. You can then pay by cash to your movers or any major credit card to the representative on the phone.
Like any service, a tip is not expected but definitely appreciated! A good tipping guideline is $5.00 to $10.00 per hour.
Unfortunately, there is not a safe place aboard the truck for the pets to ride. They cannot ride in the cab for insurance reasons, and the box of the truck is inappropriate because of the lack of climate control and potentially shifting items. Since moving day is traumatic enough for pets, Big League Movers recommends to keep them safely at a neighbor’s house, kennel, or friend’s home for the day.
In obedience with Department of Transportation law, Big League Movers cannot transport plants.
Don’t focus on the moving aspect. We will take care of that! You’ll be amazed how quickly extra sets of hands – either the movers’ or friends’ – can move your boxes. Instead, focus on the packing aspect and being as prepared as possible so that when the movers do arrive, they can get started quickly. The most helpful areas to concentrate on would be your sentimental items and fragile items. Take the extra time to pack them well, as this will ensure they arrive safely and help alleviate some stress by knowing that you packed your most valuable items yourself.
Another tip is to move as many items as possible to a front room or garage. It is much quicker for the movers to load and unload to/from one open space. While the movers will be happy to collect and then disperse your belongings to each individual room, it is quicker (and therefore cheaper) to do so into one room and then you go through the items at your leisure. Again, anything you can do yourself or anything that can help the movers move faster is helpful.
Fortunately, Big League Movers will be happy to help you move your furniture and heavy items that might be difficult for you to move such as beds, desks, tables, etc. Our movers are experienced and can disassemble any large pieces for the move and reassemble them upon unloading. If you can take care of the boxes and smaller items, we’ll handle the big stuff.
By law, moving companies are restricted from moving items such as flammables and firearms. Please see our items not allowed sheet to get a complete list. Also, be sure to empty the gas out of gas-operated items such as lawn mowers and weed-eaters prior to moving.
Make sure to label your boxes clearly for the movers, and explain your labeling system to your movers. Color coding for each room is a great idea, or consistent shorthand such as DR for dining room, MBR for master bedroom, etc. Also, have a floor-plan, or even a map, in mind for the new location. Big League movers will be happy to arrange your furniture at your request in each room.
For items such as dressers, chests, and desks, the items can remain in the drawers. However, items such as filing cabinets need to be emptied for safety reasons.
Big League Movers will be happy to unhook and hook up your appliances such as the refrigerator, freezer, washer, and dryer. However, movers are not licensed to disconnect gas nor are they licensed plumbers. We do not accept any liability for these connections.
Arrange for a cooler to transport any food. The refrigerator and freezer cannot be moved with food in them.
Remember that a moving company’s insurance will not cover damage from boxes that are not packed by the movers. While Big League Movers are professionals and would be happy to move any of these items, you might want to consider moving any heirlooms or precious items in your car to ensure their safety. Should you choose to have the movers move these items, be sure to point them out so they will take extra-special care of them.
Should you need Big League Movers to store your items in our truck overnight or for a few nights, be sure to call in advance to reserve a truck. There is a flat fee per night to do so, so be sure to ask a sales representative about it when you call.
The movers will come equipped with all the necessary supplies such as moving blankets, tools, dollies, etc. The moving blankets will be wrapped around all of the furniture to ensure their safety. However, we recommend purchasing mattress covers should you desire to have them protected during the move.
Yes, for a charge, Big League Movers can take any items you don’t want to the dump. This covers the labor as well as the disposal fee charged by the management of the waste disposal location.
Big League Movers will move in rain, sleet, or snow. We have done it all!
Depending on how long the move is, the movers might take a 30 minute break for lunch in which you will not be charged. Although it is certainly not required, providing lunch for the crew is very much appreciated and might make for a shorter day since time would be eliminated in getting to and from a restaurant.